Troop 582

Scouts BSA Troop 582 is a large, diverse, very active, scout-led troop based in Saratoga, CA. It is our goal to help each scout grow into an independent and strong young person.  

We are Boy Scouts

Troop 582 is part of the Boy Scouts of America, through Scouts BSA. Our troop began early in 2019, when girls were invited to join Boy Scouting. 

We are an outdoor activities club for girls ages 11 through 17, with opportunities for recognition and advancement through learning and practicing the tenets of the Scout Oath and Law. 

Through the Boy Scouts program, our scouts gain experience in practical life skills, outdoor adventure, environmental stewardship, community service, and youth leadership.

The decision to include girls was significant, recognizing evolving gender dynamics and providing countless girls, like myself, access to the transformative scouting experience. This decision aimed not only at equality but also at enriching the scouting journey. 

We are now united by our commitment to the scout oath and law, creating a more inclusive and supportive environment.

The decision has also enhanced leadership opportunities for all members. As a teenage girl in scouts, I've had the chance to contribute to our troop's success, reinforcing the idea that leadership is defined by abilities and dedication.

Nobody Walks Alone

Our Troop Motto is Nobody Walks Alone. This means we’re one big family. Each scout is a friend to every other scout. 

We are also a Scouts for Equality Troop. This means that we welcome all girls no matter race, religion, orientation, culture, etc. 

Scouting Benefits Girls

2024 Calendar