How to Pack

Properly packing is one of the most important parts of any overnight outing, so we've compiled a packing list to help scouts know how to Be Prepared for the average 1-2 night campout.

Scout Overnight Packing List

You can make a copy of the google sheet above, or follow along below:

Basic Equipment


The rule of thumb is to have 1 set of clothes and then another for every 2 days you'll be camping. For example, for a 2 day campout you should bring 2 sets of clothes and for a 3 day campout you should bring 2 or 3. Its not uncommon for scouts to wear the same clothes like pants for multiple days during a campout, but you should still bring extra clothes in case they get too dirty.

Optional Clothes

These might depend on your preference, the weather, or the campout.


Other Camping Supplies

Check with your patrol!

Depending on the outing, you may be asked to bring food, the patrol box, the patrol stove, or other cooking supplies. Check with your patrol leader before the outing, and make sure you know who the Grubmaster is.

Extra Optional Things